Chris Kinard – Worship Pastor
Jason Rainy – Associate Worship Pastor
Purpose: it is the desire of the Worship Team to be used of the Lord to sing His praises, to minister under the power of the Holy Spirit, and to witness His touch and change in the lives of those to whom we minister. Our effective worship leading will help create an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit of God is free to move and work in the heart and lives of all people, including our own.
Mission: To lead the congregation of His Vineyard into the Holy of Holies, through the gift of praise and worship If praise is declaring what God has done, is doing, or will do, then worship is To declare who God is while applying His precepts to our lives
Ideal Member:
- Has a personal relationship with the Jesus Christ
- Committed to growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, through prayer, Bible study, and participation in corporate worship
- Lives a life worthy of the calling of Christ, setting an example in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity.
- Demonstrates appropriate musical or technical ability that contributes to the mission and purpose of the Worship Team
- Leads others by living a consistent, Spirit-filled life
- Intentionally seeks opportunities to disciple others in the area of praise and worship by building Christ-centered relationships